Gen. Paul Vallely: America Has Come to a Crossroads

MG Vallely

Major General Paul Vallely

This is a guest post by Major General Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret.) America has been “occupied.” Our enemies have taken over our government. They now control what Lenin called “the Commanding Heights.”

America is imploding and we are at a critical crossroads. It is now obvious; from the ObamaCare debacle, to the myriad scandals, to our ever burgeoning debt, to the neutering of our world power status, to the rise of our enemies, and the demise of our allies’ trust in America; implosion is imminent. Obama has taken the seeds of our demise, planted by progressives for over a century now, and amplified their growth at an astonishing rate. We are in a death spiral in terms of whom and what America is, was, and will become.


Remember when American Exceptionalism prevailed against the odds?

Our ‘exceptionalism’ is the first casualty; we are imploding from within as past Soviet leaders predicted would be the only way we could be vanquished. How, or better yet, can America recover from it its economic, political, and cultural death spiral? It appears to many of us, at home and abroad, that the United States is in a continual downward spiral, but the challenges can be overcome and we can recover and reverse that death spiral!

Even Hillary Clinton said in an interview with CNN [Saturday] that the world is now “de-Americanizing”; they don’t trust us anymore. Clearly she is separating herself from the very actions of the Obama Regime that she helped create but she should have also said that Obama is “de-Americanizing” the USA as well.

In addition, Obama, through John Kerry has just now destabilized the entire Middle East with the newly announced P5+1 agreement with the Mullahs of Iran. The Sunni world, along with the Israelis, is now in more danger, not less. Here at home, the stakes are very high for us now as well. But for our forthcoming younger generations it is rapidly getting worse. Therefore, our youth need to be more involved, they need to be included, and they must become self-motivated to understand this critical intersection we have arrived upon. If not, we will implode, and it will be quick. But how do we get there, and what do we do collectively?

The answer is leadership; people with vision and common sense, people who are not politics first, rather they are America first. They are needed more than ever to chart a new roadmap for America, both domestically and internationally. They need to be cultivated into leadership.

Having had the opportunity to meet with many members of our younger generations over the past year, I am encouraged by their changing vision of America. To steal a part of a phrase from a past television show, I call this group the “thirty-do-somethings” (25 -40 years of age), they are the future of this great country.

There is a catch though. If they are to be the new leaders, they cannot be the “Kool-Aid” drinkers of the current leadership. They must become intimately aware and knowledgeable of the true intent of our founding fathers, not people who blithely couch talk of the Constitution, twisting and torturing its tenets to persuade people to buy fraudulent ideas like ObamaCare.

Encouragingly, I notice a more serious discussion of our country’s dilemmas and concern for their future and that of their children. I am not an alarmist by nature, but when I turn on the TV each day and watch the news, I see and hear very few positive reports of our government leadership and their stark inability to solve the nation’s problems. But now, alarmingly, I worry more than any time in my life. The amount of TV/radio and newspaper interviews that I do per month forces me each day to keep up with the national and international news more than ever.

The most serious questions I get are variations on a few different themes:

  • Are we approaching the end of the United States as we have known it, as it was designed?
  • Can we ever recover, how do we recover, and how long will it take?
  • Are we fast becoming a ‘statist’ nation, a ‘mob-ocracy’ of centralized control?
  • Can we overcome the current establishment two-party politics, where party comes first instead of “We the People”?
  • Where do we stand in the global political sphere now?

America is asking these questions more regularly and with more urgency and anxiety. These are not normal times and the stakes ARE VERY HIGH and time is of the essence. Just in the past few weeks, with the unveiling of all the lies and deceptions, I can feel the temperature rise among listeners asking these questions of me. They are deeply fearful now, though I have been trying to warn folks for a long time, they are now feeling the heat and it’s not a pretty picture, for millions. That number will be rising as many predict, now that people see the harm, to themselves and their young ones. The Constitution requires that all laws ‘be faithfully executed’, but far too many are not by the Executive Branch. In fact, the ‘rule-of-law’ and the ‘balance of powers’ has for all intents and purposes been cast aside by an executive that picks winners and losers.

Harry Reid

Harry Reid, Obama’s Czar of the Senate

They decide which laws to enforce, and which to ignore. In fact, they legislate from the executive pen and bench; rule by fiat is now the norm. In fact, it has also spread to the Senate where one man, Majority Leader Harry Reid has effectively become the sole Senator. Dare not cross the man from Nevada, or be labeled and neutered. In addition, the ‘oversight power’ of Congress has been neutered as well. In the House of Representatives, it is no longer about enacting legislation, it is all about investigations.

Why, because they have been overwhelmed by the Executive Branch with an almost unquantifiable amount of scandals. The hearings are so numerous, yet achieve so little, even with the power of the subpoena. Why, because witnesses stone-wall, they claim no knowledge, they hide under the Fifth Amendment, and the documents they receive are useless so often because of redactions or they just are not provided. What do the other party’s representatives, supporters of Obama do instead; they claim it’s all just politics.


Use of Alinsky tactics to change the conversation.

[JDT note: The Obama Nation is lawless. Obama’s supporters use Alinsky communist tactics to sabotage and block action, as per the recent Elijah Cummings rant and feigned outrage at the House Committee hearing when Lerner took the 5th. Obama was an Alinsky disciple. He taught Alinsky methods to SEIU and ACORN thugs. Cummings was given his job to block committee action. That’s what he does. This is how Team Obama works, with the media as its propaganda arm.]

At some point, we need to understand that a lie is no longer just a political tool, it’s a crime. Overwhelming the system is now the standard and there is no way to ensure that Executive Leadership faithfully enforces our laws or is held accountable.  These self-serving political failures have become destructive to the well-being, liberty and happiness of most American citizens. It must be recognized that “New Guards” for future personal safety and National Security must peacefully be put into place by citizens beginning with votes at the ballot box. Failed leadership can no longer stand if the Constitution and the Republic are to be preserved for our children and all future generations.

Cicero said it best: “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

The facts (factoids – like Obamacare) are now becoming more recognized with the most recent dastardly additions of: countless political deceptions, lies, national economic destruction, manipulation of statistics, purposeful job-killing, and the demise of America’s middle class. There is no Administration help for the massive unemployment of Black Americans, and the politically purposeful illegal alien invasion of the United States is killing us all. With over forty percent of the people within the fifty state borders now receiving food stamps, we have become a nation of ‘entitlement’.

If you add up all these facets, the only conclusion is treason; treason to the sovereignty of each separate state and to the citizens within the several states, all perpetuated by the elected and appointed inside the Washington DC beltway.

An extensive analysis has been undertaken into the several national crises by Stand Up America US and its “Americans Project”. We who care greatly about the Republic, the People and the Constitution know now that action must be taken immediately. Necessary and workable solutions have been developed to help solve and fix what has without question stunted our Nation’s ability to clearly, legally, and peacefully function as a Constitutional Republic.

To begin the process of reclaiming America, we are establishing the ‘American Leadership Council’. The idea is to identify twelve people who hold America’s interests first, not their own. These must be people from proven leadership positions, not ‘talking heads’ and ‘community organizers’. These must be people who have led large businesses and/or held military positions of consequence. These must be people who hold loyalty, fealty, and love for this country first, and most of all, they must be trustworthy….

Full Article:    


The Commanding heights of the economy is a Marxist–Leninist phrase first used during Vladimir Lenin‘s New Economic Policy in the Soviet Union.[1] It meant that the Communist Party held monopoly over political power, while retaining control of large enterprises, foreign trade, means of transportation, banks, energy, communications and heavy industry among others.[1]Private ownership was allowed everywhere else, including agriculture and trade.[1]

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